
Lyrics to “I Am Blessed” CD

    CHORUS: I’ve got a song in my heart/I’ve got a reason to sing/Look what He’s done for me/He brought me out of the fire/He gave me strength I was tired/He calmed the storm and brought me peace/See I was headed the wrong way/Then I heard Jesus say/Child come unto Me/He put a song in my heart/He gave me reason to sing/Look what He’s done for me
    VERSE 1: You don’t know where I came from/Or how the Lord has seen me through/But I know I can say/If He did it for me He’s done it for you/And looking back on years gone by/I’ve got a reason to testify/By faith I live with the grace that He gives/Look what He’s done for me
    VERSE 2: I am standing here today/Because of what He’s done for me/I am trusting in His Word/My source of life my liberty/Whatever I do wherever I go/He’s always with me I am never alone/I’ll sing about it till He calls me home/Look what He’s done for me
    BRIDGE: Look how He healed my body/saved my soul/turned my life around/made me whole

    VERSE 1: When I think of God’s goodness/His mercy and His grace/And how I don’t deserve the love He gave/The day He took my place/On a hill called Calvary/And a cross meant for me/By His cleansing blood and perfect love/I am redeemed
    CHORUS: I am blessed/So blessed/Blessed and highly favored/Set apart consecrated for His glory/I am blessed/So blessed/Blessed beyond measure/I am His treasure and He is mine/I am blessed
    VERSE 2: Every good and perfect gift/Comes from God above/My life is a miracle/Sustained by His love/And what He started in me/He’ll finish to the end/Cause I am called for His purpose/And God knows I love Him
    BRIDGE: Every breath I breathe is a gift He gives to me/I can never thank Him enough/I look around and see all my friends and family/I’m surrounded by His love

    VERSE 1: Do you ever have one of those days/Nothing seems to go your way/Everything’s wrong/It goes on and on and on/When you want to go back to bed/Pull the covers up over your head/Hide the day away/Believe me when I say/I’ve been there/I’ve done that/And I know as a matter of fact that
    CHORUS: God, He’ll make a way for you/And when you cannot walk He will carry you/Don’t give up cause I promise you/God will make, He’ll make a way for you
    VERSE 2: When you’re facing trouble and trial/Do you face it with a smile/So everybody knows/God is in control/Do you ever see the mountain and say/Mountain move out of my way/Trouble’s got to go/Well friend I know you know that/I’ve been there/I’ve done that/And I know as a matter of fact that
    BRIDGE: The steps of the righteous are ordered by God/So face the day give it all you’ve got

    VERSE 1: When your body is suffering/Your flesh is weak/And you’re in pain from your head to your feet/Done everything you know to do/There is a miracle for you/When your money is gone before it ever hits the bank/Your ship set sail but quickly it sank/Done everything you know to do/There is a miracle for you
    CHORUS: Well He said it so believe it His Word is true/There ain’t nothing that He can’t do/Ask and believe watch and receive/Have the faith of a mustard seed/Every promise is yes and amen/Every victory is in His hand/Pray for His will and the rest He will do/There is a miracle for you
    VERSE 2: Just like Moses at the Red Sea/How they would get across could not be seen/But God made a promise He would see them through/And He’s got a miracle for you

    VERSE 1: If I could I would climb the highest mountain/Or walk with you through the valley down below/What you are facing seems too much to bear/It’s a long and lonely road/But I can’t walk with you through your valley/I’ve got vallies to walk through of my own/But I can pray and remind you/That you are never alone
    CHORUS: You are never alone/Jesus is beside you/He will calm your storm/Let His Spirit guide you/He has the answer that you need/Even when you cannot see/You are never alone
    VERSE 2: Remind yourself of a time in the past/Where you could not see how your strength would last/And looking back you see He was there all along/It’s true you are never alone

    VERSE 1: I know you’re hurting/I see it in your eyes/It’s hard to find the truth/Through all the pain and lies/Why do bad things happen to people who are good/I don’t know what you’re going through/But I know the One who’s there with you
    CHORUS: Don’t give up/Keep pressing on/When your flesh is weak/His Spirit is strong/Hold on tight/Fight the good fight/He’s called you to this place/Finish the race/And don’t give up
    VERSE 2: When you feel like giving up/And throwing in the towel/Remember the fight is not with flesh and blood/The Spirit has the power/To bind the broken hearted/To heal every wound/You may not see the answer now/But I know it’s coming soon
    BRIDGE: He said He’d never leave you/God will not forsake you/You are never alone/It’s not fair it isn’t right/But God will bring the truth to light/Just hold on

    CHORUS: Take me and shape me/Mold me and make me/I want to be just like You when You’re through/You are the Potter and I’m the clay/I’m Yours Lord so have Your way/Take me mold me and make me just like You
    VERSE 1: Ever since You found me/Oh Lord You astound me/Why in the world would You love somebody like me/So I’ve made it my purpose/Oh Lord You deserve this/Create in me a heart that’s after You
    VERSE 2: When I’m caught in the fire/With the flames of doubt raging higher/Find me full of faith and trust in You/I’m made in Your image/And I’m fashioned by Your hand/So I’ll come out looking more and more like You
    BRIDGE: I am Yours/So have Your way with me/I am Yours/Fulfill my destiny/I am Yours/Your will is my desire/I’m ready Lord I’m ready now so fill me with Your power

    VERSE 1: I never knew love could hurt so bad/Why would a Sinless Lamb choose to die like that/It left scars from the soles of His feet to the top of His head/Why would the King of kings quietly bow His head/Love for you Love for me
    CHORUS: Love never fails when it’s driven by nails/Love doesn’t fade when you give your life away/We are the world He came to save/Love won’t die as time goes by/Love can’t end even when we sin/Love forgives again
    VERSE 2: I never knew love could hurt so much/God had to look away while His Son was on the cross/I’m sure He cried the day Jesus died/How could He bear the pain/To see His Son the Chosen One/Be the Lamb that was slain/Love for you Love for me
    BRIDGE: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son/Will you believe will you receive this perfect love

    CHORUS: Holy Holy Lord I stand before You/I worship and adore You my King/Holy Holy there is no one worthy/To receive the glory You’re due/You are Holy
    VERSE 1: What can I say to You Lord/There’s nothing You haven’t heard/How can my heart convey all that I long to say/There is only one word
    VERSE 2: Maker of Heaven and earth/Giver of life and new birth/You are Beginning and End/You are the Great I Am/You are the meaning of the word
    BRIDGE: Holy Holy Holy/Lord God Almighty/Early in the morning my song shall rise to Thee

    VERSE 1: One day soon I’m going home to the place where I belong/My name is in the Book of Life you see/And I can hardly wait to see my Savior’s face but until then I can imagine how it will be
    CHORUS: Picture me walking down streets of gold/Talking with the saints of old/Sitting by the crystal sea/Picture me praising for a thousand years/No doubt and no more fear/Oh what a day that will be/Picture me
    VERSE 2: I want to talk with Peter of how he walked on water/And Paul who from prison was set free/I want to sing a song with David that will touch my Father’s heart/And I want to dance before my King
    BRIDGE: But most of all I want to see the One Who gave His life for me/I want to kiss His holy face the One Who saved me by His grace/I want to walk and talk with Him the One Who freed me from my sin/I want to spend eternity with the Lord Jesus my King